
The Center For The Standardization And Distribution Of Parcel GIS Data, Inc.

The Development of a Wall-To-Wall Parcel Cartographic Parcel GIS and Associated Layers for the State of Florida — A Work In Progress!

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LSS Seminars & Publishing Company

Through an alliance with the Council, LSS provides current Council members with continuing education hours, professional development hours/units, and continuing professional competency credits necessary for license renewal.

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Surveys F.Y.I. Corporation

Surveys F.Y.I. provides ALTA/ACSM surveys and Due Diligence Attorney’s Survey Opinions to the title industry and other interested parties.

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The Blackwell Foundation, Inc.

The mission of this non-for-profit 501C-3 corporation is to endow land surveyors and prospective land surveyors with scholarships to improve their knowledge about the surveying profession.